Advisory Board
Natalia Filevych
Natalia Filevych is the director of the Nahirny Fund and a founding member of the Center to Rescue Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage, both in Lviv, Ukraine. She was the longtime head of the Leading Figures of Ukraine’s Art and Culture Archive division of the Lviv National Gallery of Art. She is the author of several books, dozens of scientific and popular publications, and exhibition catalogs. She is an expert on Vasyl and Evhen Nahirny, Bruno Schulz, Yaroslav Fartukh-
Filevych, Borys Voznytsky, among others. Natalia is longtime member of the International Union of Museums ISOM.
Filevych, Borys Voznytsky, among others. Natalia is longtime member of the International Union of Museums ISOM.
Leda Huta
Leda Huta, executive director of Waterkeepers Chesapeake and co-founder of EcoWomen, has 25+ years of environmental experience—managing grassroots, national, and international campaigns. She has served on nonprofit boards and spoken at congressional events, conferences, and festivals. Leda speaks Spanish and Ukrainian. She holds a bachelor of science degree in environmental science and environment and resource management from the University of Toronto, and graduated with distinction from Vermont Law School with a master’s degree in environmental law and policy.
Michael Patrick
Michael Patrick AIA is a principal at Barnes Vanze Architects, Inc., in Washington, D.C. His expertise imbues specialty institutional, commercial and ecclesiastic work with deeply meaningful beauty and authenticity. He is director at-large and lead co-chair of the Partnerships and Outreach Committee, Association for Preservation Technology International, and founder and co-chair of Partnership for Catholic Sacred Architecture and the Living Presence Symposium Series. Michael graduated from William and Mary and received a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Rebecca Rudner
Rebecca Rudner is a project manager in design and construction in New York City. She received her undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Miami and her graduate degree in Real Estate Development at NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate focusing on sustainable development. Rebecca is an active volunteer member of Stomp the Monster, a non-profit helping cancer patients, and has served on multiple event committees for the organization.
Constance Uzwyshyn
Constance Uzwyshyn is a PhD candidate in Slavonic studies at the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Language and Linguistics, University Cambridge (Fitzwilliam College). She is the cultural industries advisor to the Ukrainian Institute London (UIL). She is also the executive editor of Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and Art, and the founder of Professionals in Ukrainian Creative Cultural Industries and Hertfordshire4Ukrainians. Constance is the founder and director of ARTEast Gallery, the first commercial art gallery in Kyiv, Ukraine.